While they have been reasonably successful, mashups generally require planning on part of the site operator. 虽然它们已经相当的成功,但是mashups通常还需要站点运营者进行一定的规划。
This site contains information about microwave and laser radar proper use, limitations, potential operator errors, and common Misreadings and mistakes. 这个地点关于微波和激光雷达包含信息合适的使用,限制,潜在的操作员错误,并且普通错误读物和错误。
The site of the operator of ship in law. 扣船地法院的管辖权问题。
A vital problem that must be solved in such a system is how to convey adequate presence of working site to the operator in high quality. 该系统需要解决的一个关键问题是如何使操纵者高质量地获得工作现场的临场运动感觉。
According to the feature of double yellow line in the urban road image, we can segment the approximate site of double yellow line, after using transformational Sobel operator to enlarge texture. 根据城市道路图像中双黄线区域的特征,用变形Sobel算子加大双黄线区域纹理,分割出图像中双黄线区域粗略位置;
Anterior and posterior approach operation indications are various, which should be chose according the site of fracture, time after injury, compressed status of spinal cord and operator acquaintance with approach. 前路及后路手术各有其适应证,应根据骨折部位、受伤时间长短、脊髓受压程度及术者对手术入路的熟悉程度等因素而定。
The site operators send the data instantly to the server, the remote operator update data and manage the database through by the agricultural products logistics information system software. 现场操作人员将数据即时地发送到服务器,远程操作人员通过农产品物流信息管理系统软件更新数据,管理数据库。